When it comes to social media and marketing it’s always good practice to start with some kind of marketing plan no matter how simple it is and thinking about the 5Ws of marketing will really help you focus on what you need to include.

So What Are The 5Ws Of Marketing?

They are basically 5 areas for you to give thought to before you begin any kind of campaign. Each area will help you define and plan your campaign and to understand why you are actually doing what you are doing. It will also help you to understand who you want to target, what your message will be, where you are going to place your message and when you are going to begin and end your campaign. Below I briefly outline each of the 5Ws of marketing:

5 Ws of Marketing #1 – WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?

The word WHY on colourful post it notes to denote the why in the 5Ws of marketing

Why are you even starting this project or campaign? What are your goals for doing this? Do you have an ultimate goal? What is it? It could be something like building an email list or increasing sales etc.

Having decided upon your ultimate goal now consider more specific objectives? If your Goal is say ‘1000 signups to your mailing list during 2022’ then your smaller more manageable objectives might be 83 signups for the month or 2-3 signups per day.

What are your key performance indicators? KPI’s help keep you on track. If one of your KPIs is 2-3 signups per day and you aren’t hitting that figure then you know your plan isn’t working and you know quickly so you can regroup and change your strategy. accordingly.

4 people sat on chairs holding questions marks over their face to denote the word WHY i

5 Ws of Marketing #2 – WHO DO YOU WANT TO TARGET?

Who needs or wants what you have to sell or offer? Do you have just one customer group or several? Are they Business2Business or Business2Consumer? Spending a bit of time creating a client/customer avatar is time well spent. Not only will it help you with your online advertising but it can also be used in your every day content creation. Don’t try to be all things to all people. The more specific you are the better.


The word WHAT inside a light bulb helping to denote what message are you trying to send out to your audience in your marketing plan

What do you want people to know about your business? Do you have a USP (unique selling point)? Getting your message right is crucial. Get your message right and the right customers will come to you, get it wrong and…

Once you’ve decided upon your message what content will you produce to convey your message out to the world?

  • Video
  • Images
  • Text
  • GIFs
  • Blogs
  • Leaflets
  • PDFs
  • Infographics
  • Reels
  • Stories
  • Lives etc


The word WHERE inside a magnifying glass

Have you given any thought to where your campaign will appear? Do you have the budget for television, radio or social Media advertising? If you are to use social media or even social media advertising which platforms are you going to use? Which platforms does your audience use? What placement options are available within each of your chosen platforms? Are you proficient with the platform(s) or do you need some training? Do you have any existing data to analyse that might help you get started?

Maybe you’ll use other forms of distribution such as:-

  • Magazines
  • Leaflets
  • Email marketing
  • Word of mouth
  • Networking online or face to face
  • Public speaking
  • Public relations


Image of the word WHEN

Think about the timing of your launch in advance. Are there holidays coming up – would that we a good or bad time to launch? Are there other things happening locally, nationally world wide that might influence the success of your campaign?

When you’ve decided on the launch date when will you schedule your social media posts – do you have any data that signifies the best time to post? Do you have a realistic marketing budget? I

Something else to consider is whether the campaign is going to be evergreen, meaning it never goes out of date or will you have to keep updating and changing it?

Although this is not an exhaustive list to ask yourself, thinking about and answering all these questions will help you produce a more effective marketing plan and campaign.

If you are interested in live bite-sized weekly social media and marketing training then feel free to take a look at my affordable Get MOORE Social Training Hub or if you would prefer to speak with me feel free to email or call me directly by clicking here or calling 07904 007 660.