About Me

Hello and welcome! Please take a good look around, and if you don’t find what you need, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can call me on 07904 007 660 or drop me an email—I’m always up for a chat to see how I can assist you.

I’d like you to get to know my family and I, a little better.  There’s David, my partner and Laura our daughter.  We have a crazy chocolate brown Labrador and two rescue cats and we live in the beautiful spa town of Harrogate in North Yorkshire in the UK.  I’ve popped a few photos of us all below.

Rachel Moore Family

My Background

Well, I began my career in the exciting world of advertising agencies, where deadlines were constant and the pace was fast—but it was all great fun. After several years, I co-founded my own agency, but eventually, found myself drawn to sales, which felt like a doddle compared to agency life.

By the time my daughter, Laura, turned two, I realised I was missing out on too much of her life—dropping her off and picking her up from childcare, barely seeing her outside of her pyjamas. This realisation led me to stumble upon a network marketing opportunity that offered the flexibility I craved.

For the next two years, I worked both my sales job and building my health and nutrition business until Laura started school and then I went full-time.

2008 Recession

In 2008, amidst the recession, I had a light bulb moment— Why speak to one person each day when you could speak to many online?  The only problem was me!  I was a total novice in tech and social media! What I lacked in knowledge I made up for in determination.  I immersed myself in learning, spending countless hours and resources trying to learn and understand this new digital landscape but quite honestly I was not a natural.  I found the whole thing difficult yet amazing, it really was incredible what a business could do online without an agency!


By 2012, I found myself spending more time helping others with their businesses than I was spending building my own.  I realised my true passion lay in marketing not health and nutrition.


And in 2013 Rachel Moore Social Media was born—a training and consultancy business aimed at helping small to medium-sized businesses master social media.

Fast forward to today…

I’m a 6 x award winning social media trainer and consultant who is dedicated to helping businesses just like yours become more confident and effective at growing their online presence and increasing profits.

It’s funny how life comes full circle—I started in advertising promoting businesses offline and now I empower businesses to do it themselves but online using social media.

Isn’t life weirdly wonderful!

I am forever grateful for stumbling upon network marketing—it not only allowed me the flexibility to be present for my daughter but also paved the way for me to discover my true calling of helping business owners navigate the ever changing world of social media effectively.


Rachel Moore
Rachel Moore Social Media Training
07904 007 660 | 01423 529 708